6.01 Reposition
May be prone, kneeling or standing. Move anywhere within 2, take any posture and face any direction
6,02 Walk
Must be standing. Turn to face direction of move. Roll up to 2+2D3 and move up to that distance. Citizens and henchmen move exactly that distance.
6.03 Run
Must be standing. If the character walked last turn then he may run. Turn up to 90 degrees to face direction of move. Move up 3+3D3. Citizens and henchmen move exactly that distance.
If he rolls two 1s he falls after moving the full distance. If he runs into an obstacle, he is stunned.
6.04 Sprint
Must be standing. If the character ran last turn then he may sprint. Turn up to 45 degrees to face direction of move. Move up to 5+5D3. Citizens and henchmen move exactly that distance.
If he rolls two 1s he falls after moving the full distance. If he runs into an obstacle, he is stunned.
6.05 Hit the Dirt
A character may hit the dirt at the end of movement if announced before movement.
6.06 Break/Load/Close
Either break open weapon
Or load weapon with 1 magazine, 1 cap and ball or 3 standard bullets
Or close weapon
6.07 Aim/Move
Characters may only declare to aim at targets within 90 degrees each side of straight ahead.
Turn to face and then
- Either add 1 aim point to new target,
- Or move 1 aim point 2 but no more than ½ distance to target
Maximum number of aim points is 3.
Target may be an enemy character or a point within 2 of last seen position of an enemy character.
Previous aim is lost if any action other than aim is taken except shooting reduces aim points to 1 only.
Aim is lost if target moves >= ½ the distance to target.
Aim is lost if shooter is hit.
If the target leaves line-of-sight, the aim point is automatically transferred to the last seen position of the target.
6.08 Shoot
Characters may only declare to shoot targets within 90 degrees each side of straight ahead. Character may decide to fire single shot or to fan fire.
Single shot is resolved as one single die roll as per 7.0.Turn to face target and fire. Aim points can be used if the target is within 2 of the aim target.
6.09 Rest
Either recover from stun on 4+ on a D6
Or do nothing and draw 1 reaction card
6.10 Duck, head out,
hit the dirt or get up
Characters my duck behind cover, move to shooting position behind cover, hit the dirt or get up.
6.11 Kneel
Character can kneel or get up from kneeling at the beginning or end of walk or run by discarding the highest movement die rolled.
6.12 Free
Unless moving or shooting, a character can end his turn facing in any direction desired.
6.13 Brawl
If a character ends the turn in base-to-base contact with an enemy, he may brawl as the only combat action.
6.14 Fix gun
Character may attempt to repair a jammed gun. Roll D6
1, 2 - Plumb Busted, gun useless
3, 4 - Cant figure the danged thing out, try again
5, 6 - Jam cleared!
6.07a Fanfire (Optional) may only be declared against targets up to medium range. All figure within ½ distance from shooter to target are eligible secondary targets and are rolled for separately up to the ammo limit of the weapon. All shots have a 3D6 modifier and aim points cannot be used and are discarded. Max shots are
Citizen/Henchmen 2
Townsfolk/Gunman 3
Gunslinger/Outlaw 4
Hero/Villain 5