Rearguard Action
Somewhere on the retreat to Corunna
The British 1st Flank Brigade (Brig Robert Craufurd commanding) supported by elements of the Reserve Division and 15th Hussars have been ordered to delay the advance elements of Marshal Soult's II Corps d'Armee. To highlight the importance of the mission, Marshal Soult himself has taken personal command of the advance guard.
Length of game: 12 turns
Victory Conditions
Decisive French Victory - Two thirds of force off the British player's table edge
Tactical French Victory - Half of force off the British player's table edge
Marginal French Victory - One third of force off the British player's table edge
Draw - less than one third of force off the British player's table edge
Marginal British Victory - less than one quarter of force off the British player's table edge
Tactical British Victory - less than one tenth of force off the British player's table edge
Decisive British Victory - no French troops off the British player's table edge
Special Rules
British may employ hidden deployment and movement. However, once a unit fires or moves into line of sight of any French unit, it loses its hidden status.
The river may not be crossed except at the bridge. There is possibly one ford along the river at either one of the sites marked "X". Move the unit to the point marked X - roll 1D6 - a result of 5 or 6 means that there is a ford at that point. There is only 1 ford. If neither side rolls a 5 or 6 at either of the points marked X, then intelligence was inaccurate and there is no ford along this stretch of the river. Units crossing at the ford move at half speed and emerge unformed at the other side.
Special Command rules:
Brigade Commanders are all rated -1 for morale and control purposes.
Soult is rated -3 for morale, -1 for control
Craufurd is rated -3 for morale, -2 for control
Both C-in-Cs may urge their men to greater efforts during the game (+1 modifier to melee or fire die roll where C-in-C is personally present - ie within 50m of the unit concerned).
Order of Battle
C-in-C Marshal Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Duc de Dalmatie
Brigade Reynaud
bn 2e Leger
bn 2e Leger
bn 15e Ligne
bn 15e Ligne
bn 15e Ligne
Brigade Thomieres
bn 36e Ligne
bn 36e Ligne
bn 36e Ligne
bn 2e Suisse
bn 2e Suisse
Cavalerie Brigade Debelle
8e Dragons a Cheval (2 escadrons)
22e Chasseurs a Cheval (2 escadrons)
1 Cie Artillerie a Cheval - 4 guns (6 pdr - 120 men)
1 Cie Artillerie a Cheval - 4 guns (6 pdr - 120 men)
C - in - C Brig Robert Craufurd
1st Flank Brigade
1st bn 43rd Regt - Monmouthshire Light Infantry
2nd bn 52nd Regt - Oxfordshire Light Infantry
2nd bn 95th Rifles (veteran)
Disney's Brigade
1st bn 28th Regt - North Gloucestershire
1st bn 91st Regt
3 sqns 15th Hussars (veteran)
1 RHA bty - 3 guns (6pdr) 90 men
1 RHA bty - 3 guns (6pdr) 90 men