This was Day 2 of the
second Battle of Ocreza. The French under Ney failed to break
through the British held ridge on the
first day despite heavy losses. The French call up
reinforcements and try a new approach to break the British line.
[Click on any of
the images to get a full-sized pic.]
French deployed in "flying crane" or "the horns
of the bull" formation. They were determined to roll up
both British flanks, while maintaining pressure on the centre.
The British, expecting the main thrust to come along the road, massed
their remaining guns to cover the road. British flanks were
relatively weakly held with Portuguese and depleted Brigades.
What was left of the magnificent Portuguese dragoons were held in
reserve under Stapleton-Cotton.
French opened the game with simultaneous moves in the centre and on
both flanks. The massed Portuguese batteries in the centre
loaded up with canister and waited til the last moment to loose a
deadly volley. The
French regiments facing this terrible barrage were decimated
instantly! A stray piece of shrapnel ripped into Ney, causing
him to fall from his horse. This was too much for the French
regiments to bear, and the attack in the centre faltered.
 Meanwhile, tremendous
pressure forced both British flanks to give way. The
French cavalry, heady with their seeming victory pursued their beaten
foe and overextended themselves. True to form, the British
rallied and counterattacked and beat back the French attack.
With Ney down, and his attack faltering, the French commander decided
to call it a day.