Uprising in Chihuahua! |
This is
Chihuahua territory. The Governor of the city El Dorado
is Commandante Zero. His subordinate General Bonia is
escorting a train shipment of gold and munitions to El
Dorado. The territory is in unrest as El Pancho Vira is
popular with the rural folks. It is known that he leads a
rebel force and wants to overthrow the govt and install
himself as head of the revolution in El Dorado. The forces were divided in Blue for government troops and Red for rebel troops. 6 roles were created - Commandante Zero and General Bonia represented Blue force and El Vira, Bull Cunton, Chief Shitting Bull and Dick Tracer represented Red force. Each player had various personal victory conditions which did not coincide with their erstwhile allies. All figures used were kept hidden until they came onto the table. A set of very simple fast-playing rules with alternate moves was devised for this game.
General Bonia decides to stay on the train with the bulk of his Tijuana regiment who are dressed and trained along British drill to hold off the rebels while some of his men try to remove the blockade. Sniping from the train causes the rebels led by El Vira to halt momentarily to return fire. Meanwhile, removing the log blockade turns out to be a risky business. A Gatling gun manned by some Yankees led by Bull Cunton, is causing casualties among the exposed troops. General Bonia has to constantly feed in more men to continue removing the log blockade. This cuts down on his firepower and he decides to detrain out in the open to increase his firepower. It is damned difficult to use smoothbores inside a train. Meanwhile, unknown to the rebels, Commandante Zero, who was out on army manuevers with his newly raised troops, has heard the artillery fire and decides to go towards the sound of gunfire. He sends out the Trujillo Infantry regt who move up the hill on which the rebel artillery was posted. The rebels are suddenly faced with a huge unexpected enemy attacking them in the rear and rapidly turn their artillery around to face this unexpected threat. However the Trujillo Infantry regt coolly advanced and destroy the rebel artillery.
The bandits both foot and mounted, now start to loot the train. El Vira seems unable to contain his men, flushed with a sudden and easy victory. Too bad. Now Commandate Zero sends in his other infantry force, the Texavery Infantry regt to sort out the mounted bandits who had decimated their sister regiment. A sharp round of fire causes the bandits to beat a hasty retreat.
All the participants
meanwhile note a lone biplane circling overhead
ineffectively dropping bombs. This is Dick Tracer, an
idealistic pilot, who is fighting for the revolution. He
is in love with Mariah Cariah, who is the current squeeze
of El Pancho Vira. Dick has to fly the plane to prove his
heroic qualities and then he gets to marry Mariah and
settle down south of the border. Tequila Cavalry Regt charge the looting bandits and cuts them up. El Vira rallies his men to stand and fight and a melee ensues. The crack cavalry is wiped out but they have killed a lot of bandits. El Vira, surveying the mess around him, realises that the fight is over. The Government forces are advancing with a tank and a fresh infantry regiment. He orders his men to mount up and leave. This they do but the bandits are ambushed by the Indians, led by Chief Shitting Bull, who has wisely played no part in this fight until now. The Indians relieve the bandits of their gold and they take their leave. Bull Cunton, unknown to El Vira, had made a secret pact with Commandante Zero to switch sides. In addition, Bull will remove the ambitious general Bonia from the scene for a share of the gold. Bull gets his mercenary bunch to mount up to charge the rallied Tijuana regiment under general Bonia. Surprisingly, the men of this proud regiment take aim and literally wipes out the Yankees. Bull, with only two men left, wisely decides to leave the scene. Of course, based on his performance and given the outcome of this battle, Dick Tracer also decides wisely not to land to meet up with El Vira and he flies off back to Sausalito. Mariah will understand. A game designed by Victor Wong Played on 6 October 2001 |