Cap'n Arjun's Starship Rules

Singapore Wargamers


 Welcome to Captain arjun's Starship Combat Rules, where you command one or more starships in fast-and-furious tactical space combat.

 Your Ship

 Each ship is represented by a tabletop model and a Structural Display Chart (SDC). The SDC shows the name and class of the ship, and the following information:


This represents the energy generator of the ship. Each box in the Power display produces one point of energy per turn. Energy is used for movement and activation of Weapons system.

 Primary Weapons

These are the main armaments of your ship, and may be either energy or projectile weapons. Each weapon will have a stated arc of fire. It costs 2 points of Energy to activate a Primary Weapon.

 Secondary Weapons

These are the weapons meant for close-range work and defence against fighters and missiles, and may be either energy or projectile weapons. Each weapon will have a stated arc of fire. It costs 1 point of Energy to activate a Secondary Weapon.


The Repairs boxes allow you to repair your Weapons and Shields when they are damaged. Each Repairs box costs 2 points of Energy to activate.


These are energy fields which absorb damage from weapons and protect your ship from structural damage. There are six shields on your ship, one for each facing. Each point of damage caused to your ship will delete one box from the relevant facing shield. One a shield is completely knocked down (i.e. all boxes deleted), damage inflicted through that facing is applied to the ship's structures. Shields may be repaired.


These represent the structural elements of the ship. The larger the number of Hull boxes, the hardier the ship.

 Speed Mode

The Speed Mode of the ship is the number of points of Energy it costs to produce one point of Speed per turn.

 Turn Mode

The Turn Mode indicates the manoeuverability of the Ship.

A ship with a Turn Mode of A may turn up to 60 degrees at the beginning and again at the end of its movement.

A ship with a Turn Mode of B may turn up to 60 degrees at the beginning or the end of its movement.

A ship with a Turn Mode of C may turn up to 60 degrees at the beginning of its movement.

A missile has no Turn Mode, and may turn freely during its movement.


Some ships have special features which are unique to its race or class. These will be explained separately

Turn Sequence

 There are 5 phases in each Turn:

  • Allocate Energy

  • Declare Speed

  • Movement

  • Firing

  • Repairs

 Allocate energy

Count the number of intact Power boxes you have - this is the number of points of Energy you have for the Turn. You must decide how to allocate these to Movement and your Weapons, subject to the Speed limitations explained later. If you do not allocate Energy to a system, it will be inactive for the entire Turn. Unallocated Energy may not be stored and carried over to a later Turn, and is forfeited.

Essential functions like Shields, Life-support and Communications are assumed to be powered and do not need Energy to be allocated to them to work.


Declare Speed

Once all players have completed their energy allocation, they declare the Speed at which their ships are moving this Turn. The Speed represents the number of inches the ship MUST move this Turn.

The maximum Speed for any ship is 12.

Note that you may not increase or decrease the Speed of your ship by more than 100% per Turn, except a stationary ship may increase its Speed to up to 4 in one Turn. If you have insufficient Energy to keep the Speed to the requirement, all energy must be allocated to Speed that Turn.


Movement is not simultaneous. Players take turns moving their ships, in the following order:

  • Ships with Turn Mode C

  • Ships with Turn Mode B

  • Ships with Turn Mode A

  • Missiles

Where there is more than one ship of that Turn Mode, move the faster ship first.

Where there are more than one ship of that Turn Mode with the same Speed, dice to see which moves first.


Firing occurs simultaneously. Each player declares which Weapon/ he is firing and its target. When all declarations have been made, measure the range for each ship to its target in inches, rounding up all fractions, and determine the damage caused as follows:

  •  A Primary Weapon causes 3d6 minus range in points of damage

  • A Secondary Weapon causes 1d6 minus range in points of damage

If you roll 2 or more '1's when firing a Primary Weapon, the Weapon is jammed and causes no damage that Turn. The Weapon may not be activated again until a successful Repair roll is made.

Damage caused is deducted from the Shield facing the attacking ship. Delete one box on the Shield for every point of damage scored. Any damage scored through a 'down' shield will go into the internal structures. The actual structure damaged will be determined randomly using the Damage Allocation Table. Delete the relevant boxes on the SDC as they become damaged. Deleted structures may not be activated. When all boxes on an SDC are deleted, the ship is destroyed.


For every Repairs box that you activate, you are allowed one Repair roll during this phase. You may use a Repair roll in two ways:

1.        To repair a jammed Primary Weapon

Roll 1d6. A jammed Primary Weapon is repaired on a roll of 6 and may be activated the following Turn.

2.        To repair Shields

Roll 1 d6. This is the number of Shield boxes you may restore.



Terran ships may carry missiles. Each ship begins the game with a number of missiles. These may be fired during the firing phase. The firing player secretly notes down the target of each missile fired. Missiles do not cause damage to their target immediately but must travel to their target, where they cause 2d6 points of damage upon impact.

Missiles move at Speed 12 and must take the most direct route to their target.

Missiles may be shot down before they hit their target. Only Secondary Weapons may shoot at a missile. Each missile takes two points of damage to destroy. A missile that has sustained one point of damage continues to move and inflict damage as an intact missile.

Damage Allocation Table


Structure Damaged























 For each point of internal damage scored, roll 2d6 and consult the table above for the structure damaged. If the structure is not available, move to the previous roll (or if a roll of 2, move to 12).